December 27, 2021

The end of the year is a time to reflect, to thank people and to look to the future. 2021 was a difficult year; we had to keep the club going… And we did: we had 8 board meetings (and I thank my fellow board members for supporting me and helping me in every way), we had 9 regular meetings via Zoom and 2 meetings in person on the North Lawn of the Casements. We had 3 exhibits in the Casements Gallery with one in person reception in June. For that we thank Siobhan Daly and Sam Boatner from the Casements and I thank Jeanne Figurelli and Donna Armstrong for helping with registration and hanging and Bill Speno for hanging.

We had 12 challenges and I thank Judy Speno for coordinating the challenges.

We had 10 field trips and you can find images of those field trips under the Event tab on this website. The success of the club is dependent on the involvement of the members, and sometimes I am disappointed in the fact that I don’t get images from all members that go on a field trip, so I can showcase what great photographers we have in the Casements Camera Club.

We had a very succesful Workshop Outdoor Portraiture with Patrick van Dusen in Sugar Mill Gardens in Port Orange and

we had 22 Feedback Friday meetings via Zoom!

I also thank Bob Schroeder, Michele Oliver, Stan Mitchell (send him images for the header of the newsletter please!) and Kathleen and David Pruett. Your involvement in the club is invaluable.

And now for 2022: the first meeting is on January 27 and what an exciting meeting that will be in the Southeast Museum of Photography. It is also the opening of our exhibit in the Community Space: “Casements Camera Club presents: Discovering Unseen Florida”.

We will try to keep that trend going throughout the year.

I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Creative New Year!

till next time,
