June 4, 2021

Yesterday the 8th Annual Spring Exhibit found a place in the Casements Gallery. What a colorful exhibit this is – a joy for the eyes. The Exhibit will be stricken on Wednesday, June 30 – a lot of time to go to the Casements and see this exhibit and VOTE!! There is a ballot box, where the members and the public can insert their votes. On June 24 the votes will be counted and the winners will be announced during the awards reception, that starts at 5.30pm.

However, getting members to co-operate is like pulling teeth and let me not talk about the quality of the framing… If your work is good enough to exhibit, why not give the framing a lot of thought too? It is the total picture that you are exhibiting. Of course the majority of the members did so and it is exciting to see works on canvas, metal and glass.

This is the one exhibit where frame rules are loosened and it sure makes for a different show!

Because of the pandemic the work will be on the web site too, so that members who don’t have the opportunity to go to the Casements can vote for their favorites. However I must say, that the quality of the images that were send to me, doesn’t compare to the actual work in the Gallery!

I hope we get a lot of votes and that we have a good turn out at the reception – the first in person event since February of 2020!! And of course we celebrate that.

Let’s all stay safe, get vaccinated and enjoy our photography!

Till the next time,
